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Piles of Books


We created Lit Kids Magazine to shine a light on creative kids! Our team of mentors can't wait to help shape your writing and art. We collaborate to select submissions for each issue and will polish your work until it glows!

Meet the Mentors

Rebecca Weber

Mentor-in-Chief, Founder, and Children's Author

I've always loved getting lost in a good story, and during the pandemic I started writing books of my own! As a kid, I enjoyed reading fantasy books or books with an appreciation for nature: Harry Potter, The Lost Years of Merlin, and My Side of the Mountain, to name a few. Nowadays, I read absolutely anything, though I spend most of my time caring for my one-year-old baby girl and two Boston Terrier fur-babies. I used to teach preschool and I'll always be a teacher at heart, so I can't wait to help you hone your writing skills! Check out my debut novel, The Painter's Butterfly, if you like art and fantasy!


Favorite color: Purple

Favorite food: Pasta

Favorite book(s): The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud


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Kate Alton

Writing Mentor

I am a nerd, mum, writer, baker, crafter, maker, knowledge taker, teacher dude and ne'er a faker, surfer, nerfer, save-the-earther, arty, farty, crazy, hazy, sometimes lazy, shady lady! I really do believe that children are our future (well, duh!) and so most of the stuff I write (and read) is aimed at kids and teens. I love fantasy worlds, and magical adventures, unlikely friends, and imaginative takes on well-known stories. I'm a sucker for dragons, black cats, witches, and parallel worlds. I also love a bit of scary or spacey stuff now and then, as well as anything that makes me laugh! As the mum of an awesome autistic kid, I welcome all divergences and differences in stories, and consider myself an unashamed weirdo. I can't wait to see what you send me!


Favourite colour: Teal

Favourite food: Lasagne

Favourite book(s): Every story ever written by Terry Pratchett; Arc of the Scythe series by Neil Shusterman; The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins; Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness.

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Heather Glover

Writing Mentor

I've loved reading since I would snuggle with a parent reading Home for a Bunny, Vegetable Soup, Don't Forget the Oatmeal and all manner of other books. My love only grew as I got older, putting several fantasy series under my belt including Green Rider, Birth of the Firebringer and Wings of Fire, though lately I spend more time trying to read to my toddler son (who never stays still) than anything else. While my career may technically be in Human Resources, the whole focus is on helping and training others so I'm happy to bring those skills to the table!


Favorite mythological creature: Dragon or kitsune
Favorite cartoon: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Favorite book: I Believe in You by Elias Barkes

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Tamara Foster

Writing and Photography Mentor

I love books! Bookstores are my favorite stores in the entire world. I was always an avid reader starting with Ladybird books before moving on to Enid Blyton and Carolyn Keene, then Shakespeare and Thomas Hardy, Stephen King and James Patterson. I devoured fables and fairytales before discovering Greek Mythology. The stories of Orpheus and Eurydice, Perseus and Andromeda, Tristan and Isolde were read over and over. Being raised on a Caribbean Island, I was also well versed in our folklore which held the same mysticism I associated with the mythology I was so enamored with. Throughout my life I have written many short stories, and articles and I am currently developing a series of books as well as a website and accompanying podcast based on Caribbean Folklore in hopes of invigorating the dormant genre. I have a blog where I review movies, books, music and television series. I am also on the review team of Scribbles Worth. I am mother to a teen girl and Nana to a kitten named Kafka. I have managed a teen development program and I loved hearing their new voices. I think people are the best mysteries and I love a good mystery! I very much look forward to unwrapping all the mysteries that will come our way…


Favourite colour: Blue

Favourite food: Italian / Thai

Favourite movie: Scream

Favourite book(s): Can’t choose just one…

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Jaime Formato

Writing Mentor and Author

I’m a writer, elementary school teacher, and mom from North Florida. Ever since I was a child, I’ve always loved books full of friendship, self-discovery, and heart. My favorites are the ones that helped me to learn about the world, myself, and the lives of others (especially when they make you laugh along the way!). Now, I’m lucky to get to write and share fun, heartfelt stories of my own. My debut novel, Roll for Initiative, is a Dungeons & Dragons themed coming-of-age novel about finding your voice and believing in your best nerdy self. My day job’s pretty sweet, too. As a third-grade ELA teacher, I get to spend my days reading and writing with a bunch of awesome kids. Getting to read fresh new voices is such a joy and a privilege - I can’t to see what you send!

Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Bacon Cheeseburger
Favorite Book(s): Emily of New Moon & Anne of Green Gables, The Prydain Chronicles, the D&D Player’s Handbook, all things Babysitter’s Club

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Sarah Doughty

Art Mentor and Independent Artist

I've spent my entire lifetime with a drawing pencil in my hand. I've taken art classes throughout my school career and in the community, but I never dreamed it could become such a big part of my adult life. I'm now a published illustrator in the new novel The Painter's Butterfly. I've sold many commissioned drawings and paintings throughout the last 10 years, and I teach art and painting classes at a local art studio. My love for animals shines brightly in my artwork, but I hope to continue to grow and develop my skills as an artist while helping others to do the same. 


Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Too hard to choose
Favorite Book(s): Black Beauty by Anna Sewell

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Alexia Barrail

Art Mentor and Author

As a child, I read every single Goosebumps book, which would probably explain why I am obsessed with psychological thrillers as an adult! Also, a lover of the Harry Potter series, I am excited to start sharing those with my kids soon. Though I work in marketing by day, I am a writer and artist by night and hope to self-publish my debut novel this year. I love sharing my art supplies with my boys 3 and 6 and look forward to their creations every day. 


Favorite color: Purple

Favorite food: French fries

Favorite book: Currently anything written by Freida McFadden. But of all time: Love in Times of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. 

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Susan Andrews

Writing Mentor

I've loved reading and making up stories my whole life. When I was seven, I started writing my stories down. The first one was about a tiny, magical man who lived in an orange. Stories with at least a touch of fantasy are still my favorites. When I was twelve, I also started writing poetry. Recently, some of my haiku have been published in journals, and my poetry for children has been featured in The Dirigible Balloon, Tyger Tyger Magazine, and Parakeet Magazine. I am currently submitting picture book and middle grade manuscripts. I taught for many years and find reading and writing with children incredibly joyful. My terrier mix, Jenna, is the keeper of my heart.


Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: Chocolate
Favorite book(s): The Dark Is Rising series by Susan Cooper

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Jennifer Thomas

Writing Mentor

I love words — I love their sounds, their meanings, and the magic that can happen when they’re combined. I work as a scientific/medical editor, so I get paid to play with words! When I’m not working or hanging out with my family (my husband and I have two grown kids and a very bouncy dog), I love to write poetry. My poems have been published in a variety of magazines for kids and in The Dirigible Balloon online poetry bank. I’m looking forward to helping Lit Kids Magazine’s young writers to create beautiful things with their words.

Favourite word (today, at least): discombobulated
Favourite food (always and forever): cheese
Favourite book: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

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Krista Legge

Writing and Photography Mentor

I love reading and writing. My love for reading didn’t really start until college. I had an amazing teacher who introduced me to the magic of books, and from that moment on, I was obsessed. I love to read all types of books, though historical fiction and dystopian are my favorites. As a parent and teacher, I wanted to share the love and magic of books so they didn’t have to wait until they were in their 20s to understand the power of books. Throughout my teaching career, I have written and created stories for my students. About 5 years ago I decided to try and get my writing published to share them with more children. I self-published one book, and currently have two in the process of being published by a traditional publishing company. When I am not writing or working, I can usually be found cheering on my children at their softball and baseball games. I have two children, Keira and PJ, who have been my inspiration in my writing journey.


Favorite Book: Carry Me Like Water by Benjamin Saenz
Favorite Children’s Book: Case Closed by Lauren Magaziner
Favorite Food: Anything Breakfast!
Favorite Color: Purple

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Laura Cooney

Writing Mentor

I have wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember and from about the age of 9 have always had a notebook in my bag. When I was younger, I enjoyed choose your own adventure books and stories with magic and these are still some of my favourites today. Recently, some of my poetry for children has been featured in The Dirigible Balloon and my stories for middle grade readers have been in Parakeet Magazine and Northern Gravy. I am currently submitting picture books and am almost finished with my first middle grade manuscript. My children and the sea provide me with the most inspiration for my poetry. I am looking forward to seeing what you write and supporting you!
Favourite colour: Purple
Favourite food: Spaghetti Bolognaise
Favourite book(s): The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins; Anything by Lynne Reid Banks; The Dave Morris ‘Virtual Reality Adventure’ Series; The Borrowers by Mary Norton; Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery.

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