Jaime Formato is a writer, elementary school teacher, and tiefling rogue from northern Florida. Her days are spent hanging out with kids and reading, and the nights are for D&D, hockey, and writing. She lives in a little house by the woods with her amazing husband, their beautiful children, two cats that don’t love her enough, two dogs that love her too much, and a whole lotta nature. Her debut novel ROLL FOR INITIATIVE, a geeky coming-of-age story, came out in Fall '22 from Running Press Kids & Hachette Audio. She is represented by Lauren Galit of the LKG Agency.

1. What’s your favorite genre to write?
I love writing realistic fiction with a geeky bent. It gives me the chance to really dive into some of my real-life interests like D&D, tarot, or theatre while crafting characters that are growing and discovering their place in the world.
2. Where do you like to write?
Either on my bed or on the corner of my couch, with my laptop, a cozy blanket, and a dog curled up on my feet.
3. How do you celebrate when you finish a project?
I usually set little goals for myself along the way, then reward myself once I reach them. I like to link them to the project, so that it keeps me motivated to hit the next goal post. For example, when I was writing Roll for Initiative, I would buy myself nerdy t-shirts, stickers, or pens once I hit page count or revision goals. A more recent project of mine is tarot-themed, so I set the word count goal I had to reach in order to buy a new deck a really wanted. I tend to celebrate progress a little more than completion, just because it helps me to stay motivated.
4. What are common traps for new writers?
Self-rejecting! I know it’s scary to share your work, and sometimes it seems like it’d just be easier to reject yourself before anybody else can. But if you’ve put in the time and you’ve got a story or piece of art you believe in, take the chance. Put it out there. You will never know unless you try.
5. What do you do when you feel stuck?
I usually take a little break to “refill the creative well.” I listen to good music, watch good movies, read good books, and daydream. A little time away, with no pressure, usually gives my brain the time it needs to work out a snag in my plot. Long walks and time on the spin bike are great for getting unstuck, too!
6. Do you ever stop writing and start something different?
Yes. Not often, but sometimes I get going on a project and I realize it’s just not something that I want to or need to finish. Maybe the concept fell apart, maybe I never quite got a handle on the characters, maybe I got bored of it, or maybe it’s just not. . . good. No writing is wasted, though, and it’s important to experiment. It’s all good practice, and there are always elements that you can revisit that might be better suited for a new project. It’s important to me that I’m passionate about my books, and if my heart’s not in it, I will set it aside and leave my time open for something I feel more strongly about.
7. Do you play music while you write, and, if so, what’s your favorite?
I do. For each project, I tend to have one album or playlist that I listen to on repeat every time I write. That way, the music becomes a little audio trigger to get to work and I’m able to get back in the zone much faster. With Roll for Initiative, I had a Fleetwood Mac playlist that I listened to every time I wrote (which is why Riley’s middle name is Rhiannon). It’s funny because now every time I hear Stevie Nicks, I feel like I’m supposed to be writing. For one of my projects, I listened to Tori Amos’s Oceans to Oceans album on loop, and my last one was all Crane Wives. I’m still figuring out the playlist for my next project(as well as the plot!).
If you had to describe yourself in just three words, what would those be?
Nerdy, optimistic, and compassionate.
Thank you, Jaime, for your encouraging and fun interview! Please follow Jaime on her social media accounts and find her debut novel, Roll for Initiative, in The Firefly Jar Bookshop!

Website: https://www.jaimeformato.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jaimeformato
Great interview!