Stephanie resides with her family in West Chester, Pennsylvania, but her roots trace back to Central, New Jersey. She holds a degree in Communications and a Publishing and Professional Writing Certificate from Rider University. Stephanie is an active member of SCBWI (Eastern PA Chapter) and has achieved recognition as a 2024 SCBWI Virtual Conference Scholarship winner. Her work has been featured in both print and online publications, including several delightful children’s poems. Notably, her debut Children’s Poetry book, published in collaboration with Experiments in Fiction, soared to the top spot as a Number One New Release in Children’s Poetry on Amazon (ebook). Beyond her literary pursuits, Stephanie empathizes with underrepresented creators who battle chronic illnesses, particularly due to her own experience with Psoriatic Arthritis. When she’s not immersed in words, Stephanie indulges in reading, theater, mindless web searches, Netflix marathons, sunflowers, sports, and all things related to coffee!

1. What did you like to write and read as a kid?
Growing up, I loved to read anything by Judy Blume. The Fudge series was my favorite. As I got older, I remember reading Sweet Valley High by Francine Pascal and enjoyed those coming of age books very much.
2. Who is your favorite author?
I have a few. Judy Blume, of course, is the queen! I also enjoy reading YA and Romance, so I have a few authors who I admire in those genres.
3. If you could spend a day with another popular author, who would you choose?
Right now, I’d have to say that I would love to hang out with Pat Zietlow Miller. She writes Lyrical and SEL based picture books, as I do, and one of her webinars completely changed the way I write, so I’d love to talk to her. Plus, she has a super cool vibe, so I think we’d have fun.
4. Do you play music while you write — and, if so, what’s your favorite?
YES! The Hamilton Soundtrack and Taylor Swift! I firmly believe that Lin Manuel Miranda, creator of Hamilton, and Taylor Swift are the finest poets of our generation. Since my writing is rooted in poetry, it helps me to hear them play with language and imagery in their music. They are both so immensely talented and they just inspire me and my process.
5. Do you prefer ebooks, printed books, or audiobooks most of the time?
I need a physical book. Although I have read some ebooks, there is no greater thing than cracking open an actual book, smelling the pages, and reading. I actually have never done audiobooks. I’ve been told I’m missing out.
6. Does anyone in your family read your books?
I think my Aunt and my mother-in-law read what I write, but no one in my immediate family seems to have an interest, which is sad sometimes since I write for kids and I have two kids!
7. If you had to describe yourself in just three words, what would those be?
Emotional, Anxious, Funny. I actually think being emotional helps me be a better writer because I can tap into different feelings and let them out on the page to make my stories richer. I am pretty funny in real life, but I can’t seem to crack the code on how to write funny, though.
8. Do you write more than one thing at a time?
Yes. I am working on a Middle Grade Novel in Verse right now and I have been getting stuck. So when that happens, I set it aside and work on something else like a Picture Book manuscript or Children’s poetry.
9. Do you let people read your work before it is finished?
Yes, sometimes. I have really great critique partners, Kellie and Kim, and I trust them with my work and they often give great suggestions on how I can enhance some things in my writing.
10. Do you write on the computer or freehand?
Oh, always on the computer!
11. Do you carry around a journal to note inspiration?
Not necessarily a true journal, but the notes app on my phone has HUNDREDS of snippets, ideas, writing, and more when the inspiration strikes.
Stephanie, thanks so much for chatting with us about your writing and reading inclinations! Check out Stephanie's awesome debut picture book, No School, my Rules! in our Bookshop and follow her on social media. Keep shining!
